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Lynette Seah
PADI Divemaster, #413397

Lynette is friendly, outgoing, adventurous and always up for a dive (well, pools don't count). You can also call her by her middle name: "SPARTAN!” 


A full time IT consultant by weekday, a diver by weekend. Don’t be intimidated when she occasionally speaks in java, .Net or SQL - just smile and nod along. If you ever see Lynette suddenly crash onto the bottom, it's probably because she laughed too hard at something and exhausted her lungs. You can verify this with her dive buddies. 


She's currently practising her underwater photography skills with the support of The Submersibles and some of our veteran photographers. She also appreciates advice and conversations regarding macro photography. All talks welcome!


Q & A:

  1. Favourite marine life:
    The fascinating (?) hermit crab


  2. Flutter kick or frog kick underwater:
    Depends… I’ll choose drift diving with no kick!


  3. Do you like to take video or still pictures?
    Still pictures for sure!

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We are also:

- PADI 5 Star Dive Center (SS Scuba Pte Ltd, S-34067)
- STB Travel Agent (Adventours Travel Pte Ltd, TA-03063)
- Official Singapore Distributor for iDivesite (UW Photography Products)


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